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Facing a Criminal Charge While in the Military? Contact Our Court-Martial Defense Attorney forImmediate Help

At Your JAG Attorney, our military defense attorney has the skills, experience, and qualifications to handle the full range of court – martial. If you or your loved one was accused of or charged with a criminal offense while serving in the military, we are here to help protect your rights. For a fully confidential consultation with a UCMJ defense attorney, please give us a call at 305-889-8717, or contact us directly online.

Understanding the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) applies to members of all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Enacted by Congress, the UCMJ contains substantive and procedural laws that regulate justice for military members. Active duty Active – duty, National Guard, Reserve, and military academy military members charged with violations of military law — which includes civilian crimes — could face a court martial. A military member who is accused of a crime that violates military law and civilian law may face charges through a court – martial, a traditional court, or both. Notably, any alleged crime that occurs on a military base or on a military p roperty can lead to court martial proceedings.


Are you or a loved one facing a criminal allegation while serving in the U.S. military? It is crucial that you have a skilled UCMJ advocate on your side. At Your JAG Attorney, we are qualified to handle all types of court – martial. Along with other types of criminal charges, our UCMJ defense attorney has the skills and experience to handle:

Drunk Driving: Intoxicated driving cases may be adjudicated through a court martial — particularly if the alleged offense occurred on a military base. If you or your loved one is a military member charged with drunk driving, contact our military attorney for immediate help.

Drug Offenses: Were you charged with drug possession, drug distribution, or any related offense? You need a skilled JAG Military Law lawyer attorney. If you or your family member is a military member charged with a drug offense, please do not hesitate to contact our military defense lawyer for help.

Assault Cases: When a military member is accused of assault or battery, they may be court – martialed. If you or your loved one is a military member accused of assault, our UCMJ attorney is standing by, ready to help.

Larceny and Fraud: An active duty military A military member accused of taking another party’s property without permission — whether through larceny or fraud — can face very serious charges through the court – martial system. If you or your family member is a military member accused of larceny, fraud, or any related offense, contact our UCMJ lawyer for help.

Sexual Assault: The military takes sexual misconduct allegations very seriously. Allegations of sexual assault on a military base can lead to court – martial proceedings involving the all eged perpetrator. If you or your loved one is a military member charged with sexual assault, contact our UCMJ defense lawyer for a strictly confidential consultation.

Homicide: Homicide is the most serious crime. These cases need to be handled with the utmost level of attention and skill. If you or your loved one is a military member charged with homicide, contact our military court – martial defense lawyer for immediate help

How Military Court Martial Defense Attorney



There are few things more stressful and intimidating than facing criminal allegations while serving in the U.S. military. Your career and your freedom could be at stake. You do not have to navigate the UCMJ alone. Jesus R. Gonzalez is a military veteran, current Army JAG officer, and a top – rated JAG criminal defense attorney. With experience representing military members who have faced court – martials, our firm is devoted to justice. We take a proactive approach to all cases. Among other things, our military defense lawyer is ready to:

  • Listen to your story, answer your questions, and explain your options;
  • Investigate the allegations—gathering documents, records, and evidence;
  • Consider all options for resolving the matter at the lowest possible level; and
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy focused on getting you justice and the best outcome.


At Your JAG Attorney, our UCMJ defense attorney is a skilled, experienced, and tenacious advocate for justice. You do not have to go through this process alone. If you or your loved one is a military member facing a court-martial, we are here to help. Give us a call at 305-889-8717 or connect with us online to set up a fully confidential initial appointment with a lawyer.